Her patterns are super fun, colorful, bright (just like her paintings) and I just love them. Sadly (kind of), we don't get much rain here in sunny San Diego, so buying rain boots isn't exactly the most USEFUL way I could spend my money, but it's one of the funnest!
I think what finally got me to realize that drooling over the wonderfulness of the boot project wasn't going to get me merrily clomping around in a pair was when she kept blogging about painting and being inspired just by getting off the computer and into the studio. I particularly liked the pink whale painting:

I knew that this pattern-making spunky lady of the South is a woman after my own heart and I must, simply must, get a pair of these boots. I eagerly anticipate the next chance of showers (a.k.a. marine layer threatening to spit about a half inch) so I can throw on my bright yellow raincoat and splash around in the "puddles".

You can help too! She's reached her goal, which GUARANTEES that the boots are soon to be a reality! Pledge any amount, and $100+ means you get AT LEAST one pair of your choosing (I'm having a hard time deciding) and larger pledges = more swag! Plus, the more money she gets, the more patterns she can release from the start, so get your friends over there too via Twitter, Facebook, or one of the badges available on her site!
This is a total sales pitch, but whatever. I'm just stoked to see talented ladies pull up their bootstraps and get it dooooooone.